Evidence-based metaphors for diabetes care
Project Reference: PTDC/FER‐FIL/28278/2017
Funding Agency: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Duration: 01/10/2018 – 30/09/2021
Funding: € 238,242.46
Ongoing research
Doctor-patient communication in Assisted Reproductive Medicine
PI: Elena Vegni
Research group: Sarah Bigi, Lidia Borghi, Vito Evola, Daniela Leone, Julia Menichetti, SIlvia Poli, Maria Grazia Rossi, Amanda Tedone.
Short Description: Doctor-patient communication in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) is a project that aims at investigating the associations between doctor-couple communication, patient satisfaction, and patient engagement in the ART context.
This includes a number of ongoing studies aimed at investigating the quality of communication in the ART context. We are interested in the analysis of:
Interpreting metaphors: a pragmatic-argumentative model of linguistic meaning
Project Reference: SFRH/BPD/115073/2016
Funding Agency: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Duration: May 2017 – April 2023
Short description: The project aims to investigate the interpretation processes of metaphorical meanings and, more in particular, to offer a pragmatic-argumentative method of analysis and classification of metaphors. While scholars have compellingly insisted on the pragmatic value of metaphorical functions and, consequently, on the strong cognitive power of metaphors in communication and education, the relationship between metaphor and argumentation have still received little attention. This project is a first attempt to evaluate the argumentative power and the resulting communicative effects of metaphors by offering an analysis of reasoning processes used to interpret metaphors.
Previous projects
Met4Edu Project
Metaphors for Education. A pragmatic-argumentative model of metaphors in patient-provider interactions
Length: 2017-2019
Funding Agency: NOVA FCSH – NOVA University of Lisbon
Budget: 10 000 €
Short Description: The Met4Edu Project aimed at building an extended network of researchers interested in working on metaphors as educational and argumentative devices in the context of healthcare communication. Based on the outcomes of this exploratory project, an extended project has now been submitted for getting new funding.
Metaphors for diabetes
Length: 2015-2017
Short Description: Metaphors for diabetes comes into being as a spin-off of the project “Healthy Reasoning”, with which it shares methods, models and purposes. The project helped to start a new research line devoted to the analysis of metaphors as effective communicative instruments in the context of health.