Entries by administrador

Call for paper: “Humanidades Médicas em tempos de COVID-19”

A Revista Internacional de Humanidades Médicas, no intuito de contribuir com a construção e a disseminação do conhecimento sobre a epidemiologia e as ações de controle da pandemia do coronavírus (COVID-19), bem como refletir acerca das diversas perspetivas relacionadas ao tema, convida a comunidade científica internacional e os profissionais dos serviços de saúde a submeter artigos […]

Marie Curie Individual Fellowships Call

We share the announcement of a Marie Curie individual fellowship call for postdoc researchers interested in the field of Medical Humanities. More information here. Caros amigos e interessados no Projeto em Humanidades Médicas,Espero que este e-mail vos encontre todos bem.Venho por este meio divulgar uma bolsa Marie Curie, para investigadores Pós-doc, esperando que esteja interessados […]

Second episode of “Caring Discourse”

Next Monday, June the 1st at 17:30 (GMT+1) Maria Grazia Rossi (Nova University of Lisbon) and Sarah Bigi (Catholic University of Milan) will discuss the relevance of communication in cancer care with Elena Semino (University of Lancaster, UK) and Monick Leal (Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro). It will take part in the event also Irene […]

Launching “Caring Discourse”

a new space for discussion “Caring Discourse” is an initiative designed to establish a virtual space of discussion on issues, projects, and other activities related to healthcare communication. The discussions will focus on the relevance of properly using words and language in real contexts, like those used during a medical appointment or within the public […]